Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 3 - Thursday

Woke up looking horrible. It looked like I had very bad acne. My face was just a big red rash. Also had them on my stomach, my bad was COVERED, not many on my arms or legs, I had them in my ears and on my lips, and worst was my head. I'm gonna skip talking about private areas. At first I wasn't too itchy. But at some later point in the day they started to get more itchy. I didn't want to take any Benadryl because I didn't want it putting me to sleep. I still had a severe headache, sore throat, and fever. Talk about miserable! I took a 5 minute shower, didn't shave, washed my hair very gently. I didn't put my contacts in. I wore my pajamas all day. This is the pits! And right before Christmas! I didn't have any appetite. Nighttime was awful-I was SOOO hot. I couldn't sleep because I was burning up. Derrick helped me a lot, getting me anything I needed (chapstick, drinks, etc.). We took my temperature in the middle of the night and it was 102.


  1. Hey, are you all better now? wished you'd finished your chicken pox story! I'm 26 and on my 3rd day suffering through this hell which is chicken pox.. I got it from a shingle interaction too.. please tell me it gets better! Hope you're doing well now :)

  2. Hello, yes I should have finished the blog! I'm so sorry you are experiencing chicken pox as an adult as well. I can tell you that I was sick with the flu like symptoms for a week and then that went away and then it was just the blisters. Overall it took 2 1/2 weeks to get to the point where I looked good enough to go outside and start working again. At this point I just have a few scars. I have a couple of "craters" on my face (one I scratched before I realized it was chicken pox, thought it was a bug bite). Even if you don't scratch, scabs can fall off before they are ready (by your face rubbing against the pillow, etc.) so just be very careful. I have a few little scars on my neck and chest and some spots that haven't totally faded yet on my back. It is a long, frustrating process but at least you know you won't ever get it again! Hope you feel better soon :)
